Visual Management and Ranking the Team

We love to label, rate and rank.
There are sound business rationale as to why it appeals, but there is also the potential to turn a team into something else.
Some people love to see their names in lights, for others, the lights are reminders to not try.
Consider visual management like the scoreboard at a stadium, it’s the Team’s score up in the big lights, not the individuals ranked in performance.
It’s a good lesson for management, leaders and coaches to learn that what might feel like a carrot or an incentive to bring out the best in individuals can in reality feel like a stick to name and shame people into improving results.
Bringing a team together by measuring the entire team’s success as the yardstick instead of individuals helps encourage the feeling that everyone has a part to play.
My penguin cartoons illustrate leadership, learning, and development with a smile while offering a daily dose of fun and thoughtful reflection.
These insights come from twenty years of leadership experience and I enjoy this unique way to encourage us to think about how we can do leadership differently.
I use the Corel Draw Suite to draw my cartoons and you can learn more about me on my LinkedIn profile Lee Sampson.

Lee Sampson
A husband, father of three, a champion for more art in the world and more introverts in leadership. Lee has worked in leadership positions for over 20 years, described as an authentic, thoughtful, people-centric leader.